Spiritual Life Committee

St Joseph’s Spiritual Life Committee was founded in September 2021. The Spiritual Life Committee plays an important role in supporting the teachers to improve the religious and spiritual education and experiences of the children at St Joseph’s. Members of the Spiritual Life Committee are role models to the other children of how to behave in a manner that reflects the Gospel Values, are there to support other and to represent pupils’ views upon how we worship and learn about our faith. The Spiritual Life Committee also have a responsibility to lead prayer and worship across the school. The children, as part of their chaplaincy, support other children when they need help.

The Spiritual Life Committee meets with Mr Coffey every two weeks to work upon developing the spiritual life of the St Joseph’s community. The aim of the Spiritual Life Committee is to improve the experiences of the children at St Joseph’s and to support the teachers in improving religious and spiritual education. They always start their meetings in prayer.