Collective Worship

Collective Worship is part of the everyday life, here at St Joseph’s. Below, is further information about the Collective Worship the children partake in at St Joseph’s. Please look at this page for regular updates on our Collective Worship.

Liturgy Assembly

The children attend a Liturgy Assembly, once a week, which is prepared and led by our Spiritual Life Committee.

Celebration Assembly

Every week, Mrs Nicolaou delivers a Celebration Assembly for children in KS1 and KS2. In the assembly, we recognise children’s hard work and achievements for the week. It is also an opportunity to view the house points and other acclamations children may have accomplished. Parents of celebrated children are invited to attend.

Hymn Practice

Singing is an important element of the worship and gathering at St Joseph’s. The children partake in hymn practice once a week, learning a variety of hymns as an act of worship. Many of these hymns are then sung during Mass or as part of other assemblies.

Class Worship

Class Worship happens on a regular basis throughout the week. It is an opportunity for the children to come together to reflect and prayer on the thought given. The children have a focus / theme for their class worship.


Classes attend Mass regularly, at our local Parish, The Most Holy Trinity Dockhead. Parents and the community are welcome to attend Mass alongside the children.